Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How often do you change your baby's diaper?

I know this seems like a silly question, but I had to ask. I was reading a few questions regarding about diapers. Some people mentioned brands they didn%26039;t like because they leaked after the baby peed once. I would like to think that I change my daughter after she pees once,not two or three times then change her. Maybe I misunderstood what these mommy%26039;s were saying.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
you don%26039;t change the baby after everytime they pee during the night do you? so its really annoying having leaky diapers all over the bed

It depends on the age my daughter turned one today and only needs to be changed like 4 times a day (+ bath time)How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
You can%26039;t always know when a baby pees, and it%26039;s not necessary to change them if they have 1/2 ounce of pee in their diaper. Disposable diapers wick the moisture away so well the baby can%26039;t even feel they%26039;re wet. Also, when my daughter was very small I think she peed about 3x an hour. It%26039;s not good to leave the baby in a wet diaper for 6 hours during the day, but 2 hours certainly isn%26039;t going to hurt. Of course, change a poopy diaper right away though. If your child is getting rashes when they%26039;re being changed every 2 hours, you need to find a diaper that suits your child better.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
the reason moms complain about certain diapers leaking after the first pee is because diapers are supposed to absorb the pee, not leak all over everything. It%26039;s not because we want it to hold 4-5 pees while we eat bonbons. :p

imo a diaper should not leak after one pee or its pretty much the same as no diaper at all! if the diaper leaks we have to change the baby%26039;s whole outfit, and change whatever baby was on when the diaper leaked; our clothes, baby%26039;s bed, car seat, furniture... there%26039;s enough laundry to do without adding leaky diaper brand accidents to the mix.

(plus if you%26039;re driving or something else that keeps you occupied after first pee, the diaper ought to at least hold long enough to get you to a place where you can change baby).

but to answer your question, when its dirty it gets changed.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
Every time before I fed my baby. Every 2-3 hours. Luckily my baby girl was not fussy with wet diapers. Of course, it is not a strict 3 hours rule, if I noticed the diaper was wet and/or she took a poo-poo I would change it right away. Check on the diaper if they are fussy. The key was to make sure that she was dry (give them a bit of time out of the diaper to air dry) enough before putting on the diaper to prevent rashes. My baby girl has had one mild rash that cleared up in a day. Every baby is different, some babies cry to be changed as soon as they leak. Just change them till their little hearts content.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
I think those people might mean that the diapers leak the first time the baby pees?

My son doesn%26039;t sit in his wet diaper by any means, but if I am out and about, grocery shopping, out for a walk etc I%26039;m not stopping to constantly check him. I will just note to myself, hmm I%26039;ve been out for 2 hours I should change him just in case.

My son is 14 months old and I use Pampers and have never had a night time leak :)How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
xxitalia, I don%26039;t think the asker is trying to sound like the %26quot;perfect%26quot; mother by asking this question. To me it sounds like an honest question from someone who thinks she may have misunderstood a comment-- and would like to know whether or not her understanding was correct. My brother was recently holding a friend%26039;s baby and when the baby peed it leaked and completely soaked his pants! This was probably one of those brands. lol. I think some of the less expensive brands may not hold us as well or may be the wrong size. I know when my daughter started crawling her diaper leaked while she was moving a lot and I had to change brands to find one that held up a little better. I HOPE most parents try to change their baby as soon as possible, although, I know it is easy to get caught up in doing something and it is obvious when you change her that she has gone more than once.. It can cause skin irritation and rashes if a baby has to sit in that for too long.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
I do it very 2 to 3 hours, but do not bother her at night unless she starts turning and tossing. I used to get her up to change her diaper - she would go crazy - crying and crying until I realized (three nights later) she does not want to be waken up. So during the day we go by schedule and at night - schedule is all hers. Of course I always change her if she poops, but otherwise as I wrote. And baby is just fine.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
I change him about every 2 hours during the day (or more if he pees alot) and immediattly after he has a bowel movement. During the night, I do not change his diaper until he gets up for the morning. We use Kirkland brand diapers, and never had a problem with leaks.(Well, once or twice, but that was because Daddy didnt secure it tight enough so it just leaked out the legs! LOL)How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
%26quot;I would like to think that I change my daughter after she pees once, not two or three times then change her.%26quot;

Well, yeah, but even ONCE can cause leakage with some babies. I don%26039;t notice the minute my son pees in his diaper, he doesn%26039;t tell me. I do check him every 1 1/2-2 hours, however, unless he%26039;s pooped. I%26039;ve experienced leaky diapers before. It%26039;s not because I neglect changing my son, it%26039;s due to the brand we were using at the time(Parent%26039;s Choice). There ARE some diapers that just don%26039;t work well for babies, regardless of how often you are changing them.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
At first, with each feeding, meaning basically every 3 hours. OR whenever needed. We often did every 3 hours and then if our daughter was upset and needed a new diaper.

Babies really don%26039;t have much pee for awhile, so you don%26039;t have to worry about leaking for a little bit. It usually happens when you change sizes - either the diaper is just a bit too small or a bit too big.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
My daughter usually takes her diaper off after she pees lol She doesn%26039;t like a wet one! But I try to check her periodically to see if she has wet, and if she has I change her. Sometimes I do get caught up in house work or other things and forget, and she will pee more than once (this is only if she hasn%26039;t already taken it off lol) but normally I do check it.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
I change him frequently. Everytime he needs it. I don%26039;t like the idea of him wearing a soaking wet diaper. Luckily, he is finally at the stage where he can tell you when he is wet so i don%26039;t really have to guess anymore he usually tells me.

I don%26039;t understand how any diaper can leak after just one use. (maybe they are using too small diapers)How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
I usually change my daughter about an hour after I feed her, unless she poops and then I%26039;ll change her right away. When I put her to bed I use a bigger diaper (1 size up) so she won%26039;t leak overnight.

She is now 6 months old and hasn%26039;t had diaper rash since she was 3 weeks old, and has never once cried due to a wet diaper.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
My daughter was getting bad diaper rash from changing to often. my pediatrician told me to let it get somewhat full before changing unless its a poopie one lol but that was just my daughter she could not handle me changing her that often and still can%26039;t her butt is just to sensitive to the wipes and all that.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
as often as she goes or at least as often as you notice. when my daughter was a newborn i went through like 10+ diapers a day. she HATED to be wet. i don%26039;t understand why some people let their kids sit in wet diapers. it should be the first thing you check when your baby starts crying.

*btw i use target brand diapers and they work great and are very inexpensive like half the price of huggies or pampers. i tried other store brands with no luck.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
WAY too often.. Sometimes even if it%26039;s not wet! I figure - if it%26039;s off already, it%26039;s getting changed!!

Ohh I have a story about that.. one time when she was about 3 weeks old, I went to the store, then came home and she was sound asleep so I left her sleep in her car seat for a while since she barely got any sleep the night before and hadn%26039;t had a nap yet.. two hours later, she woke up screamingggggg.. I got her out of the car seat, she was SOAKED. I mean, even the car seat was soaked the the point I had to take it out and wash it.. I felt so horrible I sat and cried for like, a half hour over it while her daddy just laughed, ha.. Sounds funny now but at the time I thought I had like, totally failed as a mother! haha.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
I change her all the time, sometimes i wont notice she has a wet pamper until she cries from it but im always changng her, i already went thru a box and on the little bit left of a second not the big boxes the little ones u get from walmart, the pampers swaddlers..How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
When he was younger and napped much more I use to chance him before a nap and after a nap and he would nap a lot but that was for the first few months then I started changing like every 2 hours and it wasn%26039;t bad at all and now he is like over 1 I would say every 2 hours stillHow often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
I change my daughter after each feeding so about every 2 to 3 hours.. unless of course she poos. Diapers are made to soak up the pee so the child can not feel it. If i changed my daughter everytime she peed id be changing her diaper every 30 minutes!How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
how are you suppose to know the exact second your child pees? you just don%26039;t. how are you suppose to know how many times they go? you don%26039;t. Acting like you%26039;re perfect doesn%26039;t make you a good mother.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
Whenever he needs it. I%26039;m sure i%26039;ve let it go a time or two, but I try to catch it everytime he goes. It overflows sometimes overnight, but that%26039;s about it.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
i change he bout every 2 hours. today though, i had my nephews %26amp; realized i forgot to change her from 9am-2pm, i felt like the worst mom in the world! she didn%26039;t leak at all (love pampers).How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
Newborn, after every feeding of whenever I thought they might have pooped. In the first few weeks nearly ever hour or two, he would immediately poop right after nursing.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
i change her whenever she has used the bathroom, even if it%26039;s only a small amt...i wouldn%26039;t want wet panties, so i figure she doesn%26039;t need them either...How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
I use cloth diapers and change every 2-3 hours.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
Um, as often as it gets soiled.How often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
It varies , I would say anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hrsHow often do you change your baby%26039;s diaper?
on average my son goes about once an hour

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