Please include the age of your baby, type of diapers used, and whether you change your baby right after he/she urinates or you let it soak up a bit. Thank you!!
I just want to know if I'm changing my baby too often or to little and would like to hear how often other moms change their babies!!
I change my son who is 2 months old about 10 times per day, he wears Pamper's Swaddlers, and I change him when he's a little wet, not too much but I would think more than one pee and of course after everytime he poos.
I change my daughter who is 2 years old about 5 times a day give or take. She's in the process of being potty-trained and doesn't wet as much. I usually change her as soon as she gets wet and right after she poos. She wears Pampers Cruisers.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
I change my 7 month old son what feels like all the time! After about an hour and a half to two hours of the last time I changed him it seems his diaper is REALLY squishy with pee. I swear he pees as much as an adult at a time! haha As for 2 I always change that right away. SO I am thinking we go through about 10-15 diapers a day. Which is crazy because when he was little he used way less and they say they go more when they are smaller. Guess my son is just backwards.
***OH and I use Huggies Supreme (size 3)***How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My 5-month old son goes through about 10 diapers per day. I change him whenever I know he is wet or dirty. Although I do not change him at night until he wakes up. We only use Pampers Swaddlers.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
I have a two month old son who uses Huggies Gentle Care size 2 and I change him about 10 times a day as well. When he has a diaper rash, I change him more often to avoid irritating the skin, but have found that using cloth diapers during the day helps much better to reduce the rash. I usually don't let my son get his diaper sopping wet, and my husband complains that I change him too often. I'm now seriously thinking of using cloth diapers more often.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My son is almost 7 months old. I change him every time he poops and once in the morning after his night sleep. He poops about 4 to 5 times a day so I only change him when he poops during the day.
At two months I was probably using about the same amount of diapers as you are....sounds about right.
He also uses pampers.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
If she is in the process of training don't put her in diapers at all. I use those padded training underwear, it soaks up some of the pee and then my son realizes he has to pee so he goes and pees in the toilet. At first he would pee in it and it caused so much discomfort and itchiness because it was just sitting on his skin he stopped doing it so much.
With infants, if they don't get diaper rash easily then don't change that much, only when you feel the diaper is pretty full - save your money.
3.5 - one diaper a day (overnight) - Cruisers
10 month old - 3/4 diapers a day - HuggiesHow many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My 3 year old son (who we are in the process of potty training) gets changed about 5 times a day. At the moment we're using Luvs, but we usually use Papers Cruisers. I change him every time he's dirty and when his diaper is getting soggy. Not right after he pees once, but probably after a couple times. My 1 year olds, they get changed probably 6 or 7 times a day (they poo more). I let their diapers get soggy before I change them also. If I changed them every single time they peed I would be changing them every hour around the clock!How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
OK here we go
Older Son 16 months Pampers Easy ups (3 - 4 times a day) everytime he poops but not at the first pee, i might let it soak it in I do use baby powder and balmex to prevent redness.
Younger Son 4 month old just change from Swaddlers 2/3 to Cruisers 3 around 5 times a day or everytime he poops. also baby powder and balmex. not at first pee also let it soak it a little because diapers nowadays are way more resistant that the ones they used in me :PHow many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My first born was in cloth diapers. So I changed her every couple of hours. I also changed her at night time as she was an excellent sleeper.
My son is now 7 1/2 weeks old. I haven't found a good diaper yet. The Huggies is the best for when he had yeast infection... the other diapers irritated it. BUT Huggies hold such a little amount of pee.With disposables I change him whenever he poops. If he doesnt' poop until the evening I just feel his crotch, if the diaper feels full or like it has pee in it, than I change him. only about 1-4 times a day. The disposables pulls the pee away from the skin so they can hold longer. I dont' change him at night. That sabatogges my efforts of trying to get him to sleep.
When I worked in Long Term Care, we were not supposed to change wet diapers until they were 3/4 full because of the cost. I personally did change them if they were 1/4 full because of the weight and comfort level. It does not hurt the skin to have abit of pee absorbed in a diaper.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
Between 8 and 10 times a day for 6 month old...If I know she's wet I'll change her right away, but she has this interesting thing where she'll just kind of leak a little, so thats a different sort of situation. Regardless, between poo and pee, its still a lot of changing. And I use whatever diapers we have coupons for or are on sale (we have two sets of twins)How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
All of my children wear white cloud (wal-mart brand)
2 week twin girls- 7 times a day
2 year old toddler- 4 times a day Trying to potty trainHow many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
24 month old, huggies, 4-5 times a day; that is after he gets up, before naptime, before bedtime, plus any poopy ones during the day (usually 2). Those diapers hold a LOT and do a good job pulling moisture away so unless a baby has a rash you can let them go awhile in a just wet diaper.
Now for a potty trainer, I like to change them much more often so they develop a preference for the very dry diaper AND so you can tell if they've just peed. After a few days of being super vigilant about diaper checks, I knew her body's routine and could suggest good times for her to go try and use the potty. No sense in trying to get a kid to pee if she's just peed in the diaper, and unless you check and change a LOT you won't know if it's old pee or new pee.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My daughter is 13 months old and I think we typically go thru 6 diapers (Huggies Supreme, size 3) a day. Unless she's outside and drinking alot, then maybe 10!How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
my son who is 4 months gets changed about 10 times a day. and to those who say don't change it until it's full they're wrong. How would you liket o be ina wet diaper all day. you sound like you're up to par on that. i use pampers stages. you sounds liek you are doing jus tfine without everyone else's confusion. you can't change a baby too often, but you can change them too littleHow many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
my 5 month old gets changed about 8 to 10 times a day. we use Luvs with the %26quot;bear%26quot; stretch. for us, they work just as well as the pampers but cost soooo much less. i change him as soon as he poops and i usually routinely change him every 2 or 3 hours. he typically uses one diaper at night unless he has a bowel movement or he feels really wet. sounds like you're doing a good job mom!How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
pampers swadlers are the best. i tried every kind when my son was a newborn and they would leak within him barely peeing! i change him about 8 x's a day.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
I have a 21 mo old son that I change when he gets wet about 5 times a day. I also have a 4 mo old son that is nursing and nurses a lot more often and I change him probably about 7-8 times a day now that he doesn't poop as much. They both wear regular Huggies diapers about 90% of the time because of their sensative skin. They occassionally use Pampers though if I have a coupon.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My 3 month old son gets changed about 8 times a day. right after he eats and after he naps. Of course if he poos I change it right away. I use Huggies babydry. Pampers do not fit him well.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My son is 1 yrs. old. I use the Target brand diapers and usually let him urinate a couple times (otherwise we'd be buying diapers all the time), but as soon as he poos he gets changed. He gets changed 6-8 times a day.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My daughter is 23 mnths old, wears size 6 of Huggies. I tried Pampers and they are thin, and soak fast, but softer than huggies. If we go out, she gets changed every 2 hours when the diaper is full. She drinks a lot of fluids. I am not sure how often daycare changes her, but maybe in av every 3 hours, so that would be around 6 or 7 diapers a day. I am careful to change her diaper right before she sleeps, I like her sleeping in a dry diaper.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
my 17 day old uses pampers swadlers (very good brand, no leaking and really absorbant - but then again this is my first baby so i have nothing to compare it to)
i change her about 6-8 times per day and once or twice at night if she wakes up. it's hard to tell when her diaper is dirty because she never fusses about it, so i just change ever few hours or when i am hearing a lot of action. she gets zinc oxide on her bum as a preventative measure, and so far she has very mild to no diaper rash.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My son is 3.5 months old, and I have been changing him with the same frequency since birth. We use Pampers Swaddlers.
I change him:
- Before feedings (5 per day)
- After naps (4 per day)
- As needed in between (on average, 2x's per day)
- Usually once in the middle of the night
Daily average: 11-12 diapers.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
she is 12 weeks today .. i change about 8 to 10 i think . she is wearing the walmart brands lately and they are good .. so is the kmart ones. my favorite is the pampers swagglers.. they even seem goodHow many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
I think you'll find that 10 is average.
I change every 2 hours or so during the day, unless I notice her diaper is more %26quot;poofy%26quot; indicating its more wet. If she sleeps thorugh the night (she's 3 months) than I ends up being around 8x per day, if not its closer to 10x per day. She also wears swaddlers.How many times on average do you change your baby%26039;s diaper in one day?
My little one month old goes through 10 and more diapers a day. I've used Luv's and Pampers, and both are alright. I prefer the Pampers because they seem to fit better, but I never really had a problem with leaks except for when he was circumcised and I had to keep gauze in his diaper.
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