Thursday, September 22, 2011

When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?

You can usually tell when my 10 month old is having a poo, and as soon as he%26039;s stopped pushing I wait 30 seconds to a minute to check there%26039;s no more and then change him right away. I%26039;m always sniffing his bum as well to check he%26039;s done no secret ones, and will change immediately if he has. The longest he%26039;s ever gone is about 20 minutes, we were on a long bus ride and he pooped about half way through, I felt so awful not being able to change him but I was standing up and the bus was crowded and rocky so there was no way I could do it until I got off. I%26039;ve noticed some parents seem a lot more relaxed about changing their babies bums though, and sometimes don%26039;t seem to be in a particular rush. I went to lunch today, and my friends baby who is much younger than mine did a poo as soon as we got there, we could both smell it, and she sat down, had a drink, ordered the food, waited for the food to come, ate the food, had another drink and then did the nappy before we left, which was over an hour later. Is this normal?! Am I too obsessive? Why do people forget babies are humans - I bet none of us would quite fancy sitting in a pair of pants full of crap for an hour would we!When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
I always change my son as soon as he is done going poo. He doesn%26039;t really care (I don%26039;t think) about sitting in it or not. I change him right away because I really really don%26039;t want him to get a rash. I would feel terrible if my son sat in a poopy diaper and got a rash because I didn%26039;t change him.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
%26quot;Is this normal?! Am I too obsessive?%26quot;

No and no.

It would be nuts to bolt for the wipes after every wee, but a poo? Yeah, you change that immediately.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
You are right -- your friend is wrong. You shouldn%26039;t make your baby sit in poop any longer than you would want to. Keep being obsessive, its better than not caring enough :) When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
i changed my sons diaper right away after he had a poo. i can%26039;t even imagine making him wait an hour, that%26039; gross and mean. did the mom or dad not notice? or did they just not care? that%26039;s nuts!When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
there is no way i would let my baby sit that long with a poopy diaper. it causes diaper rash.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
slackness like that is what causes babies to have such bad rashes! someone needs to have a serious talk with your friend.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
I usually do it as soon as I notice, unless I%26039;ve seen her do it then I wait about 5 minutes to be sure she%26039;s done.. I don%26039;t think your too obsessive, waiting an hour is way too long. Sitting in it for too long can cause a rash. When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
well its a good thing you change your baby that fast.. because that way its prevents urinary track infection and rashes.. so no.. its not weird.. its good. iw ouldnt want my baby to be sitting in poo all day. or smelling really bad. so i know i wold probably be doing the same thing.. if its your first child its normal to feel paranoid over little things.. most of the time its just fears of things and majority of it not even true.. so relax a little.

dont be too overprotected.. because too much overprotecting can lead to low self esstem later on in life.

because then the child feels liek he cant do anythign by himself since you have always done it for him you know .. make sense.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
No, it isn%26039;t normal to let a child sit in filth for that long and you are not too obsessive. Having a baby sit in poo that long could cause a rash and is inhumane. I%26039;ve been out to eat where my child poos in the middle of a meal. I stop what I%26039;m doing, gather his things and head to the restroom. When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
No you%26039;re not nuts. I usually wait about 10 minutes to make sure he%26039;s done. My latest is 3 weeks old. That%26039;s simply because prior experience has taught me that sometimes they poo as you%26039;re changing them, which he still does sometimes while I%26039;m wiping his tushy. But over an hour? No I couldn%26039;t stand the smell for that long especially while I%26039;m eating. That%26039;s just gross! Letting babies sit in poo like that causes diaper rash too.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
I usually wait a few minutes just to make sure they%26039;ve finished doing their %26quot;deed%26quot;. However, my husband is even more obsessive %26amp; wants me to do it immediately! I%26039;ve done that before and have had to do it twice. It doesn%26039;t hurt to wait a few min., but an hour, that%26039;s too long. They could get a rash. I%26039;ve seen babies with sensitive skin %26amp; they get rashes easily. Even if you don%26039;t have sensitive skin, who would want to sit in poop for an hr. and have everyone else around you smell it too? It%26039;s just disgusting.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
What an hour?? That%26039;s crazy!!!

No as soon as I realize my daughter has pooped I change her-unless like it happened to you where on a bus or something of the sort. But I%26039;ve changed her in restaurants, malls, grocery stores... I dont wanna leave her with that one her bum!! And when it gets all read if I waited a minute or so for whatever reason I feel soo guilty!!!

I dont think you%26039;re obsessive I think that%26039;s what GOOD mothers do!When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
I change my son immediately because I don%26039;t want to smell to linger! However, when he was first born, up until about 3 months old, he had poop in his diaper just about every time we changed him. It didn%26039;t smell (we breastfeed) and we couldn%26039;t tell when he did it. We changed him like 8-10 times a day anyway. I wasn%26039;t about to start changing him every hour which is probably how often he went! He didn%26039;t mind and didn%26039;t get a rash from it. If we could tell when he went (like the few times it sounded like explosions) we did change him right away for fear of leaking!When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
I always change my daughter right after she has a poo.

I would have taken that child and went to change him myself, the poor kid probably had a rash from that. When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
I do it ASAP! My boy is in cloth diapers, and there%26039;s NO disguising the smell. Besides that, his bum gets red immediately from having poop against it, so to avoid any bit of rash, I get it off him right away.

I think the same way as you, I wouldn%26039;t like to sit in my poo for any length of time, so I don%26039;t let him sit in it!When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
I personally usually wait a GOOD 5 minutes (she has the habit to poo when we change her)... But I wouldn%26039;t wait for as long -- poor thing, he must have been so uncomfortable!!!

I actually feel guilty sometimes cause my baby won%26039;t cry when her nappy is dirty, so if it%26039;s just pee or if her poo is not smelly and she doesn%26039;t make the %26quot;poo%26quot; faces, I sometimes don%26039;t even notice it (especially in the night) :( I hate the idea that she had to stay in her poo for a long time...

And even if you said something, chances are she%26039;d either tell you to mind your own buisness or just wouldn%26039;t listen.

Maybe just mention it like %26quot;Ah you%26039;re not like me! I could not wait to change the diaper! I felt so guilty at the idea that my baby was stuck in his poo%26quot;When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
We were on our way to church one morning, and I was putting him in his car seat. It smelt like someone %26quot;took a dump%26quot; in my garage. I smelled the baby, and didn%26039;t smell it on him.

Well, he had a white romper on, and I was carrying him in the door and someone pointed out that the baby had a %26quot;stain%26quot; on his outfit. We got him out of it as soon as we got in the nursery, and it was all up his back. Very disgusting.... three of us cleaning him up.

Since then, as soon as I realize it%26039;s there it gets changed. When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
WEll, my little boy has a habit of doing half a poo, then when I got to change him, he starts doing more.

So, I give it 10 minutes MAX!

Sometimes it%26039;s tricky though, because he does little secret ones, that don%26039;t smell, and I feel bad for not having noticed (Good thing I do random checks!)

But, if she noticed, and was making jokes about it, well that%26039;s just plain foul.

Especially when the poor kid has to sit there, stewing in his own excrement.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
My children are out of diapers now but, I never let them sit in their own filth for longer than I knew it was there. If you werent being obsesive, you wouldn%26039;t be a good mom. It is hard being friends with other moms with different parenting skills, and it is so hard not to but in, but at times you have to. Keep dropping the hints, thats all you can do, unless you feel like you cant be friends any longer. Did you offer to change her baby, thats what I would have done. I might have said I need to go to the bathroom, do you want me to change him.

My daughter only had a diaper rash twice, it was also was a yeast diaper rash and we needed perscription cream. Boys can get it also, when I read bleeding I thought of that, so I wanted to put it out there, just incase he never had bleeding before. You sound like a great mom, your son is lucky and I hope you can rub off on your friend.When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
Nope, i change as soon as i can too. i laughed out loud when i read %26quot;I%26039;m always sniffing his bum as well to check he%26039;s done no secret ones%26quot; HAHAHA. seriously, i might start saying that! we do that all the time- she must think we are crazy because we%26039;re always smelling her butt! you%26039;re not obsessive for thinking your friend should have changed her baby- seriously? she waited an entire meal? that poor little baby!!! When your baby poos, how soon do you change him or her?
No, you are not obsessive.

An hour with poo, my lord, diaper rash city. That poor little boy. I don%26039;t mean to offend, but i think thats neglect. Just horrible.

I also waited a min or two when my daughter was born. Cause she didn%26039;t always do it in one sitting. My sister learned the hard way tho.

She was just a few days old and took a poo while she was holding her. I told her to wait a couple mins., she told me that she%26039;s sure my daughters done. I said ok, So when she took her diaper off then my daughter decided she needed to go again, well...her poo went projectile and land on my sisters top and socks!!! LMAO. It was just the funniest thing. Now, with her own son, she also waits a few mins. :)

Now, my daughter being almost 2 years old, i wait about 5 mins.

Unfortunatly tho, there have been a few times i don%26039;t even smell it and she doesn%26039;t give any signs of pooing or does%26039;t tell me, and she has gone about an hour with it in her diaper. And i feel horrible cause then she ends up with a painful diaper rash. errr.

So i can only imagine how many diaper rashes that little baby has had.

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