Thursday, September 22, 2011

When is too late to change a baby name?

we need our daughter hannah and I want to change it. My husband and I could not agree on a name so at the hospital he called his parents and my parents to get approval. His parents liked Hannah Goldie over Lilly Anna Goldie while parents hated both names. My husband kept pressuring me to come with a name so he could get over with and send out the email to announce the birth. Today is our 6th wedding anniversary and our third child is seven weeks and I am so depressed that we named our child to please my parents and in the end the were not happy about our choice Hannah. My mother has said many nasty things about the name Hannah. Its hard to get these mean comments out of my head. I am angry with my husband, but what can I do? Should I change her name. I was trying to name her after my grandmom Anne, but my mother thinks I did not because I named her Hannah which begins with a H and my husband grandmother was Goldie so we named her Hannah. What should we do? I learned my lesson that my husband will sell me short to get what he wants to done. I stood over me at the hospital and demanded we name this child so he send out a mass email with his big announcement of brand new baby. I like the baby name to be Anna but that;s my husband sister name so he said that would selling his sister short. What can I do now? My parents want to be Anna and do like the name Anna, but my husband won't budge on the name he likes Hannah and told his family was her name. Isn't awkward to change her now? How would we do this?When is too late to change a baby name?
Honestly, at 7 weeks, people already know her as Hannah. It will kind of be a life long joke in the family if you change the name now. Your mom shouldn't be saying nasty things about what you named your child. It isn't any of her business. If you chose to name a child for someone on your husbands side of the family it should be celebrated not score kept. Just tell her to but out. After 9 months of pregnancy most people have the name narrowed down pretty well. It was a compromise that should have been reached before the baby was out or very shortly there after.When is too late to change a baby name?
Didn't YOU put the name Hannah on the birth certificate? No, I don't think you should change the name now. I think you and your parents are being RIDICULOUS.

Your daughter already has a name, and your husband likes it, unless he put the name on the birth certificate all by himself without you having any part in it at all, I suggest you just get used to it. %26quot;Learned my lesson that my husband will sell me short%26quot; - you sound like a 5 year old having a tantrum.

If you cared SO much about what your daughter's name would be, why didn't you name her BEFORE she was born? You could have come up with your own name ideas, even if hubbie didn't approve and put that down then. The mom is the one who puts the name on birth certificate. What's done is done. Its just a name, and it isn't like you named her something that isn't a name, its a common decent name, so just get used to it. If you like, call her by a nickname, but NO, you shouldn't now change your daughter's name from something you signed it as and hubbie likes.

Learn to take responsibility for your actions.

And don't listen to your mom. She's a real jerk making fun of your child's name. That's a horrible thing to do.When is too late to change a baby name?
It would be difficult to change your daughter's name at this stage, however, you will come to love the name Hannah.

The problem is not the name, it is your mother's reaction to it. A grandma should NEVER criticize the choice of a grand-child's name.

What you have to decide now is if you want to make your mother happy, or keep your husband happy.

Good Luck.When is too late to change a baby name?
Leave her name the way it is and demand your mother act like a grownup and stop sniping. What a horrible woman. I hope you don't become such a harridan.When is too late to change a baby name?
You can learn how to legally change a minor's name and get the paperwork you need in order to do so at the website below.When is too late to change a baby name?
Shame on your mom making you feel that way about your daughters name...Hannah is a beautiful name however I know how you feel. I don't think my daughters name (Nayeli) fits her. I talked to my BF about legally changing it but it's waaaay too much work. What you can do though that works just the same is socially change her name. You like the name Anne cause your your gma, call her Anne or Anna, they both work for the name Hannah.

I'm sorry your feeling blue, just remember your daughter is perfect. A name doesn't make a person, a person does.When is too late to change a baby name?
You can't do it without his cooperation. Contact the department of vital records(the same place you get the birth certificate). They'll be able to guide you through it. But, like I said, you need both signatures. If your husband won't agree, it's staying Hannah. Sorry.

I would personally just call her Anna. He didn't care about your feelings, but you're supposed to take his sister's feelings into consideration? Sounds like your husband is being a real jerk about this.

EDIT: I agree with the above poster--your mom is making this way more difficult than it has to be. If she has such a problem with what you named YOUR baby, too bad. It's not her choice, and to make you feel crappy is not okay. It doesn't sound like you have the best family in times of disagreement.

Good Luck!!

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