Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Can having a baby change the chemicals in your brain?

Okay during my pregnancy I had to stop taking medicine for my bipolar and I felt fine and I learned how to deal without it I want to be able to live without it most of the medicine I took though wasn't for bipolar it was for my PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) My therapist even talked to me and said eventually I'll have to learn how to live my life without medicine well my dad is scizzophrenic could that have been caused from his mom dying a horrible death when he was 17 some say she was murdered others say she killed herself. Well what I want to know is if his mental illness could've been caused by this traumatic event or if it was genetic? and if it is genetic what are the chances of me having it my dad is the only one who has it that I know of?Can having a baby change the chemicals in your brain?
To answer your first question, having a baby can definetly mess around with chemicals/hormones in your body.

As far as schizophrenia goes, some reasearchers tend to believe that yes it can be related to a gene. But this doesn't mean that you will necessarily have schizophrenia. Some people tend to believe that you have a 10% chance higher to have schizophrenia then the normal population.

A lot of what I tend to believe is what is going on with the chemicals in your brain. If you are receiving enough or not enough of certain neurotransmitters. I have heard that too much dopamine can cause illnesses such as schizo.. but its too hard to tell at this point.

The bottom line is that you need to talk to someone who knows more about chemicals and medications that can help. In some cases of mental illnesses its not just traumatic experiences that bring on these illnesses, it really has to do with a chemical imbalance. If that is the case then medication to control this imbalance would be the only way to go.

IM NOT AN EXPERT, I am just someone who reads up on a lot of different things. Please see a doctor for the sake of your health and your babies. Better to be safe then sorry. :)Can having a baby change the chemicals in your brain?
This is too complicated a situation to deal with in an area like this. Stay with your doctors and therapists and keep moving forward.

Yes, having a baby can really play with your hormones and chemistry. Post-partum depression can be very minor or very debilitating. Get a good suport group around you of friends and family. Some genetic couseling might also be appropriate.Can having a baby change the chemicals in your brain?
Find a psychiatrist and loose the therapist.

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