Thursday, June 2, 2011

Will a baby change our relationship?

Hello people let me tell you I been married only 7 months but live 5 years with now my husband.... We are almost the perfect couple we have our little arguments but who doesn't right? There is moments when I am holding him and just feel so Much love and so happy that I think will having a baby someday take this away from us? and I almost don't want a baby because of the fear of loosing that Passion and love that we share. I am super happy with my husband he is the love of my life and my best friend... Tell me do you regret having a baby? did things change ... Please don't be mean to me and be honest how do you really feel.Will a baby change our relationship?
Have the two of you disscussed the idea of children? If both of you have the same outlook on the idea of parenthood, then you are off to a great start...a baby NEVER takes away love, if it is true love. A baby only ADDS love. You dont lose the passion of love you share when a baby is born.

I dont regret having a baby. Things do change. A scheduled life with your child with many responsibilities that are going to be new and exciting. Some will be challenging, and yet rewarding, some will be hectic, yet possible. some will be frightning, yet together you will overcome the fear. And best of all each day when you look at your child, you will thank God for the blessing he has given you. Until the both of you decide what you want to do.......keep a diary.......a diary the two of you toghether share. make a list of all the possitives having a child has, and then a list of all the negatives having a child has..........weigh them................then together you decide.

keep in mind................if you both arent on the same page, then the idea of children should most definately wait.

Try the negative, possitive helpsWill a baby change our relationship?
Yes, it changes everything, and for the first year or so, it can be very hard. But it's also nature's way, and not having kids is often a death sentence for a marriage. If you and he are ready, you should have some.Will a baby change our relationship?
Your relationship will change, no way around that but that doesn't have to be a negative.Will a baby change our relationship?
babies change things more than you can imagine, but we never regretted them for a momentWill a baby change our relationship?
I felt like having our daughter brought my husband and I closer together. If you want to keep the passion after having children then make sure that you both make time for each other. My husband and I have put our kids to bed at 8 pm since they were babies. After 8pm that is OUR time. It works for us.Will a baby change our relationship?
yes it will change everything. but in the best way possible. now you have this little life that completely depends on the 2 of you. that brings you closer to a person than you can ever imagine. yes adjusting will be difficult at first but believe me in the long run their will be no regrets.Will a baby change our relationship?
When I say this, I'm honestly not trying to be mean, but you're not ready for a baby yet.

When you have a child (or children) the relationship you had BC (before children) is gone forever. The life you have AC is great, but it can also be very trying, stressful, confusing, and you find yourself arguing a lot more with your spouse over silly things.

When you can separate yourself from your marriage in a healthy, productive way THEN you'll be ready for children.

Till then, just enjoy what you have. It sounds like it's a special bond.Will a baby change our relationship?
Congratulations on your recent marriage. Things do of course change when you introduce a baby into a relationship but change doesn't always mean a bad thing. You and your husband create this little being and for us it brought us closer together than I ever thought possible. You do have to make the passion and love things a priority in your relationship but that is true with or without kids.

Also relationship change all of the time, life causes changes - new job, illness, etc if your relationship is solid and you appreciate and nurture it than it will survive anything - including babies!Will a baby change our relationship?
Sorry to tell you but yes your whole world changes. Yes you will still love your husband but a baby will take up alot of your time at least the 1st couple of years a baby needs a lot of attention,but if your marriage is as strong as you say it is then you shouldn't have any problems.Will a baby change our relationship?
my son is now 8 months and hes on a schedual and just make sure that if you do end up having one to always be on a schedual or you will not get any alone time my son is now on a schedual and it is getting so much easier!Will a baby change our relationship?
I don't regret having my children at all, they've added a whole new dimension to our world for sure. I have to say though that if things are going this well for you as a couple right now though you may want to give it awhile before you have one. Why? Well the answer is multi-layered. Give yourself and your hubby time to bond with each other and work through the arguments, quirks and differences you'll encounter during the first year or 2 of marriage and then decide if you really want them. They are as much responsibility and inconvenience as people warn you about. If anyone tries to rush you tough crap. I say this because as much as I love my 3 boys it took me 3 drinks to calm down enough to write this. Today was exceptional thus the drinks because my twins of 7 were up my 11 year olds butt and he was taunting them back all day and the weekends been long since school's been off before it started. I went 10 years of marriage before having children and it worked very wife and I got to do everything people dream of after they have kids early...trips, parties, travel, concerts, etc. Sometimes it's handier doing things when you're young than waiting till they're grown and you lack the money and health to bother. Good luckWill a baby change our relationship?
oh god no a baby changes nothing.

no sir, EVERYTHING will be EXACTLY like it used to be.

because you never have to feed babies, take them to the doctor, change them, burp them, hold them, watch them, protect them, love them, talk to them, hover over them, change them again, clean up their poop, clean up their barf, feed them again, change them again, clean up their barf again, hold them while they cry for 3 hours straight from 2 AM to 5 AM, sing to them, worry about them, listen to them sleeping, change their poopy diapers again, haul all the poopy diapers out to the trash, go buy 7 more tons of clean diapers they can make poopy once you buy them, buy formula, breast pump, clean up the breast pump, warm up the milk you pump, clean all the bottles and nipples, hold them, burp them, clean up their barf again, snuggle with them, look at their tiny hands, clean up their poop again, dream about them, wonder about their future, hover some more, make and take with you everywhere you go a 17 pound baby survival bag, carry them, gently sing them to sleep, nap with them, try to get 3 minutes of rest while they sleep, feel your body change as your hormones re-set after having the kid, which includes a super low sex drive for a few months, clean up the baby's pee, then the poop, wash everything, dry everything, let the baby get spit up on all your work clothes, put the baby down, pick the baby up, take the baby everywhere you go, and feed and change it again.

NO THAT NEVER HAPPENS.Will a baby change our relationship?
It changes things.. sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. If you look at it in the right way, it can enhance your relationship because the baby is both of you put together, it will be something that came out of your love for one another.

But if you have a baby for the wrong reasons, it can be detrimental to your relationship. It is an extension of your love, not something you have to keep you together.Will a baby change our relationship?
I do not regret having my daughter...but my husband who insisted that having children was a deal breaker never has adjusted to being a parent.

The changes are both subtle and substantial.

If you truly can't commit to being a mother, perhaps you had better put it off for several years.Will a baby change our relationship?
Yes it will change things. But that means more responsibility.Will a baby change our relationship?
you both have to wanted a baby ,,,,,,baby do change you ,,, tied down 24 /7 cost money just everday, life never the same ,,, but it very rewarding ,,, no't have a baby , if your mind saying you don't want kids ,, it will probable end your marriage

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