Like how did your baby turn you life for the better.
I loved to party and drink. When I found out I was pregnant, I started worrying about how long I had been drinking while pregnant, and I haven't had even a glass of wine since I found out.
And I've always been skeptical about people who believe in God (no harsh words please) but since I'vee had Danielle, I've realized she really is a blessing from heaven, and I know that sounds lame.
I even almost got an abortion, but then I thought about how she had already changed my life, and how much she could change my life more.
How did your baby change your life?How did your baby change your life?
When I found out I was pregnant with my son I quit smoking and didn't party as much. I stopped drinking and took care of myself everything around me. When I had him I grew up even more and real life settled in. My son is still my everything and I wouldn't of changed it for anything. When my son passed away my life was destroyed. I felt horrible and that everything I had done was for nothing. Then I remembered what my son had done for me and I regained myself and realized that maybe this was another test from God. I don't act the way I did before I was pregnant. I'm glad my son grew his wings and is now watching over me and his daddy. I love my little angel.
Thanks MS, I have a lot of support so that helps too.How did your baby change your life?
I was like you before i had my son too, i loved to party every weekend and then it all stopped. God i envied my friends all the times they got to go out and i had to sit in because i was pregnant, now they envy me because i have such a gorgeous son and he is better than the ''party life'' i had before. I use to think im never going to get to go out again, i havent been out much since he was born 5 months ago and i couldnt care less! He has made my life complete, i love being a mother its really rewarding (how cleche that must sound lol) but seeing him develope and grow is just the best feeling.How did your baby change your life?
She has given me a focus, a drive in life and a reason for making our home, our lives and our healths are all at their peak. I strive for the best, just for her and want her to have the best i can possibly give her.
Before i had her, i was selfish, argumentative and lazy - now I am completely the opposite. She is the best thing I could have possibly ever done and no amount of money earnt, brilliant jobs and amazing holidays could ever replace her or even amount to how precious she is.How did your baby change your life?
This is a good question. It made me think.
I wanted an abortion once I found out I was pregnant. And the sad thing was- he was a planned baby. I had agreed to it, but it wasn't what I truly wanted so I was mad when I found out.
Motherhood has been super tough on me. The baby's dad (who wanted the baby) hasn't been as helpful as I would like and I was fiercely independent before the baby I NEVER get a moment to myself it seems. And honestly, earlier in the week I was considering adopting him out. I just miss my free time.
BUT, he's changed my life in good ways too. Like, I've grown up a lot. Its not just about me anymore, I have the little man to think about.
He's given me structure. Before I could (and did) go do whatever I wanted, when I wanted, but now I'm learning to plan outings between feedings/diapers/naps. I'm also learning how to ask my family for help.
I've gotten more cleanly when it comes to the house.
I've had to make laundry a priority...when I was only buying clothes for me I would often buy new clothes rather than doing laundry. But, with a baby it doesn't make sense to do that. He grows too fast as it is, he doesn't need 100 outifts in one size (though he has a ton of stuff anyway).
I'm still not a believer in god (sorry, not trying to offend, but its true). To me, babies are not miracles or gifts from god or anything. Babies are sperm meets egg. Period. Its science, that's all.
Before he was born I thought all babies looked the same. Now though, they don't look the same at all. And I feel bad even thinking that my baby is more attractive than some, but some babies just aren't cute (we met one my sons age at the dr office a few days ago who was breathing like darth vader and really had a face only a mother could love).
I think he and I are both learning a lot from each other. He's making me grow up, and I'm hoping he doesn't grow up too fast.
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