Thursday, June 2, 2011

Baby Breech, not sure about trying to move baby?

I am 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow

32 weeks - scan showed baby was breech

34 weeks- midwife was unsure due to position but still seemed breech.

now i have to see the midwife at 36 weeks (next week) and if the baby is breech then she is going to send me to the hospital to try and move the baby into the right position for birth by the time i get to 37 weeks, the midwife mentioned that they do it in hospital incase it starts labour off.

i've spent all week looking around and speaking to people about moving the baby (not sure what it's called) and i didnt realise that there's small risks with the baby's heartrate and labour starting aswell. Now im not so sure, i dont know whether it is a choice thing or whether it has to be done. I have already spoken to my midwife about what happens if the baby stays breech and she has said a cesarean at 39 weeks, which i am happy enough to go along with. i just dont know about trying to change baby's position, would it be stupid to say i dont want it, i have a strong belief that everything happens for a reason. I miscarried 5 months before i fell pregnant this time and it has made me see that everything had a purpose, i think if my baby is breech now then for some reason she is meant to be born by cesarean, does that sound stupid? i dont want to look like im causing a fuss over a small thing, or whether i can say i dont want it at all. not sure how it works.

I have to decide by a week tomorrow cos thats when im seeing the midwife and if baby is still breech then she'll want to book the appointment to move her whilst i am there.

thanks in advance xBaby Breech, not sure about trying to move baby?
i know exactly what you mean. my baby is breech and i have already told my dr that i do not want her trying to turn the baby because i do not want it to put me in labor early. if he has to come out via c section that is fine, as long as he is healthy is all that really matters. my sister was in the hospital for 12 hours in labor and she was 10cm dialated when her baby turned at the last second and had to have a c section, so they really can turn at any minute. children are unpredictable. good luckBaby Breech, not sure about trying to move baby?
your baby can still turn.

i would do with what you feel most comfortable doing.

ive heard getting your baby moved can be rather uncomfortable which would personally put me off but its much safer for your baby to be born naturally with a c-section being major surgery.

all the do, so ive heard.. is move your baby in position using there hands and sometimes use a ultrasound machine to double check the baby is finally in the right position.Baby Breech, not sure about trying to move baby?
I think you should write out a list of all the concerns you have so you can address each one with the midwife.

You need to take into consideration the complications can arise from a breech birth. You need to consider what is going to be best for your baby.Baby Breech, not sure about trying to move baby?
I was speaking to a lady in my work about this the other day and she said that it was a very painful procedure and she was left with bruises on her stomach. I don't want to scare you hunni but she said that she would never do it again. The procedure did in fact work for her but her daughter just turned straight back round again within a week.

It is completely your choice so don't feel pushed into anything. Speak at length with your midwife about the risks involved and the success rate. You can say that you don't want the procedure but it's best to speak with her and let her know your concerns.

Good luck xxxxxBaby Breech, not sure about trying to move baby?
i am 25 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby and the baby was breech from 16 weeks until yesterday she/he turned while i was lying on the hospital bed waiting to be scanned they told me that they will keep an eye cause the baby can go back to being breech at anytime and can even turn right at the last min even when you are in birth lol i said to the doctor what would happen if the baby was breech when i get closer to my due date and he said they would do a c-section as they don't really agree in turning the babies as it can put you into labour and break your waters i don't like the thoughts off having a c-section or getting my baby turned lol but whatever's best for the baby i'll be happyBaby Breech, not sure about trying to move baby?
There are more risks associated with a c section than there are with a ECV. A c section is not the easy way out by any means. I was threatened with both when my baby was breech, but she turned last minute and was birthed vaginally soon after.

If 'everything had a purpose' then maybe your baby wasn't meant to be born by c section, perhaps you are meant to deliver vaginally, despite being breech? You can't reject one medical procedure using that arguement while still being accepting of another.
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