Thursday, June 2, 2011

Water change with baby platy?

I've had this baby for about 2 months now, and I haven't did a water change since I've noticed it. Nitrates are getting a little too high. The question is, do I move the fish and baby in to a fresh tank while I clean that one?

Oh and anyone got ideas on how to get rid of snails?Water change with baby platy?

In fact, even with fry, you should have continued to do weekly 25% water changes... Especially since there were fry, which are more sensitive to water quality than adults.

How do you change your water?

Do you use a gravel siphon?

I hope so.. It's the only way to efficiently and correctly change your tank water.. It'll remove water, poo, and leftover food without disturbing the fish much...

If you do have one, you know what it is... You just have to be extra careful when using it to not suck up a fry. I have had fry and still changed my water weekly. If you start to see one go up the tube just put your thumb over the other end, and it should swim back out.Water change with baby platy?
You could move the baby while you do a water change, but for a partial water change (anything less than 100%) you don't have to remove the fish. When I have baby or very small fish in a tank, I put a piece of mesh (I use fiberglass or nylon window screen material from the hardware store) over the end of the siphon hose, so the babies can't get sucked into the hose.

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